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  1. News
  2. Kind, caring, warm staff

Kind, caring, warm staff

3 May 2022 (by ahall)

Communication from a member of the public

I received the following email, at the end of last week, which I wanted to share with you all. 
Dear Kingsmill This morning my eldest and I went for breakfast in Bridlington.We noticed a group of young people (some in wheelchairs )with their Carers struggling to get through to the booths in a corner. My daughter and I helped move the tables and chairs to enable the team to get through. I noticed from their jackets that they were staff from Kings Mill school. They kept apologising but I reassured them that it didn't matter. 
The interaction, care and support from every member of staff to the young people was above and beyond anything I have seen. Their vibrant smiles and laughter with those young people could be seen and heard across the room .I am unsure what part of Kingsmill those staff members / young people were from but as a mother of 2 disabled young people I felt compelled to pass on how much this mornings interaction with some of the team made my day and the laughter of those young people in the company of such wonderful staff
The lady also posted on Facebook and went on to say .....
Whilst sat finishing my breakfast I noticed the warm smiles of their staff, their caring approach, interaction and engagement with all the young people and how that was received. 
The table was the happiest in the building with laughter that echoed across the room. 
If you are a parent / carer whose young person attends Kings Mill specialist setting take some comfort from knowing if one of your young people were out and about in the community today they were well cared for and happy.
It's always lovely when a member of the public takes the time to contact the school to share their experiences of our pupils and staff.  What is thought often goes unheard. I know which class she is referring to and those staff have seen her email. - Smiles all round.