Kings Mill School

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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Home Learning

We have a range of home learning resources for pupils to support your child's learning whilst at home.  These are designed to complement the school curriculum.   We are always really keen to see what children are doing at home so feel free to send the work into school, take a photo or email the class teacher.  It might make it on to the school jotter!

Any live lessons will be accessed through Microsoft Teams.  You can use a games console such as Playstation or Xbox to access Microsoft Teams as an alternative to a computer, tablet or mobile phone. Please click here for further information.

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home and we have a number of devices for loan.  In some instances we may be able to also assist with internet access.  Please contact your child's teacher if you require assistance. 

If you would like any of the resources in paper copy format please contact the school office at or by telephone 01377 253375 and we will post them home.

Useful websites

If your child is using the internet at home please visit our Online Safety page. It contains links to useful websites that give advice on how to ensure your son or daughter is kept safe.

GoNoodle - PE and movement activities


Topmarks Education - Maths and English game

CBeebies -  Early years/Reception/KS1

BBC Bitesize - all year groups

Oak National Academy - online library

Oak National Academy - SEND activities

Oxford owl - ebooks - variety of educational games

Priory Woods - Special school with  useful resources on website

Primary Resources

Special Educational Needs Resources

Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler home learning packs - to accompany the wonderful picture books

Home Learning resources for Early Years

Barefoot books - sing-a-long versions on You Tube

DLTK - printable activities

Jolly Phonics 

Education City - free account during lockdown

Singing Hands - Makaton resources

Singing Hands - You Tube

Out of the Ark - Song resources

Sign2Sing Library - videos of signing songs 

Subscription Services

Please contact your child's teacher for log in details.

Sensory Songs

For more like these see the Sensory songs page


Parent folder
Showing 1-5 of 5

Sixth Form