Termly Focus - Autumn Term 2021
Posted: Sep 23, 2021
by: charlottedowson
on: Senior 2 Termly Focus
Hello from Senior 2! We have lots of new pupils and staff this year, and are very much looking forward to getting to know you all as you settle into your new class.
This term our topic is ‘India’. As well as our regular Maths, English and PE lessons we will also be learning all about this wonderful country and its culture. We will be enjoying a weekly music lesson with a specialist music teacher, and continue our important work in PSE on keeping ourselves safe and healthy,
Our work-related learning continues, with both Gardening and Takeaway groups working hard every Friday. And we also have four Forest School days to look forward to this half term. Make sure to keep an eye on the Class Dojo for weekly updates and photos!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact either of us.
Marnie and Rob
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