Senior 4 Termly Focus
Termly Focus - Autumn Term 2020
Posted: Sep 14, 2020 by: charlottedowson on: Senior 4 Termly Focus
This term our students will continue to follow a sensory curriculum which allows them to engage in learning through play and sensory activities. We will continue to work on four programs of learning: communication, social and emotional, mobility and cognition. Each student has targets tailored to their individual needs and abilities. We will enjoy sensory stories, play, music and movement sessions and trips outside.
Our topic for the first half term is ‘Under the sea’ followed by ‘Celebrations and Festivals’ in the second part of the term.
We will be learning about the sea life and try to bring the sea to our classroom by giving the students both visual and tactile insight of creatures that can be found in the sea. We will be exploring textures, sounds and colours of the sea. We will enjoy water play and sand play and engage in music and dancing following the ‘Under the sea’ topic. We will also be learning about weather and different colours of autumn season and listen to Halloween and Bonfire stories.
For the second half term we will explore the ‘Charlie and the chocolate factory’ story by engaging in arts and crafts and sensory activities related to it. We will continue to follow the same pattern of learning as in the first half term. We will use chocolate to cook various snacks and create arts and crafts for Christmas displays.
Welcome to Senior 4. Our team consists of Raluca Neagu (Teacher), Karen (L4 Learning Support Assistant), Claire, Lorraine and Jess (L2 LSAs). All members of the team work hard to offer a nurturing and supportive learning environment for the children to thrive and grow.