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Senior 3 Termly Focus 


Termly Focus - Spring Term 2022

Posted: Jan 5, 2022 by: charlottedowson on: Senior 3 Termly Focus

This term, in Senior 3, we will be investigating all things linked to “Growing and Changing”.

We will be continuing with our usual timetable of 1:1 and group based sessions to promote the communication, toleration and social skills of all the children in class, whilst also incorporating a few more ‘hands on’ sessions for our class to explore growth and change.

Our art sessions will include activities such as creating a self-portrait using a variety of mediums, whilst referring to photographs and mirrors to see what we look like. Looking at photographs of themselves from when they were babies and toddlers, comparing these pictures to how they look now and all children will be supported to order these photographs and talk through what changes they can see. Such activities will also provide opportunities to talk through and identify different facial features and body parts.

Other art sessions will involve collecting leaves, twigs and other natural products to create a natural artwork piece as well as carrying out some leaf rubbings of leaves that have fallen to the ground. Everyone will also have a turn at making their own wildlife feeder following on from our science sessions where we will have looked at the life cycle of different animals and what they need to survive.

Continuing on with a Science theme we will be growing our own plants in class, planting seeds and using our numeracy skills to count/number match how many we have to water each time. The children will then be encouraged to fill jugs full/half full and discuss when they are empty each time they water their plants as well as count to 3 verbally/on their fingers each time they water to ensure they are watering each equally.

In regard to physical education, the whole class will continue with their weekly PE session taking part in a range of different activities targetting how their bodies move and react to instruction and how they can work as a team to achieve an end goal.

The class will also continue to venture out into the community whether it be for a nature walk, a trip to the shop or café or to go bowling together. We are also hoping that we can arrange another trip to Densholme farm this half term as the children really enjoyed the last trip and there is plenty of opportunity for us to look and talk about growth and change linked to the animals and trees they have there.

We are all looking forward to taking part in the above activities with the class and enjoy some more time outdoors.

Beth and the Senior 3 team.


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Welcome to Senior 3.  Our team consists of Alison Hall/Libby Grant (Teacher), Tracy (L4 Learning Support Assistant), Caroline, Sue, Emma, Alex and Jess (L2 LSAs).  All members of the team work hard to offer a nurturing and supportive learning environment for the children to thrive and grow.